Sunday, March 11, 2012

If I Said I Want Your Body Now, Would You Hold it Against Me?

Aislinn and I got into a discussion about Britney Spears the other day.  Try as I may to truly HATE Britney Spears, darn it to heck, I just can't do it.  Her personal life aside, her music is just pure fun and I love every song that comes on the radio by her, old or new.  Aislinn prefers "old" Britney.  She's not even old enough to remember "Old Britney".  It was a cool conversation though.

Anyway, so I've been kind of dabbling over on a few dating sites, but I can't even begin to tell you why.  I just feel like I'm going to find a new guy the old fashioned way, face to face.  Most men won't make the first moves, and the ones that do are usually assholes.  I just don't feel like convincing someone they should like me and that's what I feel like I'm doing on these sites.

I've mentioned this before, but I'm just not impressed.  I want someone to impress me.  Not, like.. in a financial way, or in an achievements way.  I want to be impressed by their personality and their manners.  I don't want to be swept off my feet, but I'd like it if a guy liked to be with me because I was fun, not because it's better to be with me than alone. 

An old flame contacted me to go out with him this weekend.  I said no, mainly because I know he doesn't really like ME. He doesn't like being alone.  I haven't spoken to him in about six months, save one email back and forth and he E-MAILED me to ask me out on a date.  On a Sunday, when he knows I have kids, to go see a musical performer he is obsessed with.  Not out to a dinner to get maybe get to know each other again but to a loud concert where we can't even talk.  He didn't even ask how I was doing or anything.   It's like he didn't even want to try. He didn't want to make an effort.  He just knew I was free and he needed someone to go with him.

No thank you.

What amazes me is that so many of my friends are like "Oh! You should go!" and that pisses me off more.  As if some man who treats me as an afterthought is such a great catch.  Why? Becasue he is breathing? 

I guess I'll know him when I see him and that will be that.

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